Sunday, March 22, 2009

SXSW Interactive Wrap Up

SXSW Interactive was an absolutely surreal experience this year. I'm working on organizing all my notes, photos and videos now, but thought you should know what I thought of the whole thing.

SXSW areas of improvement:
- I agree with Amber from The Amber Show. It would help if SXSW allowed you to search their panels by speaker. The panels were a hit/miss situation and I would rather make sure to see someone I know will inspire and inform than try and guess if this will happen through the subject line of the panel
- Interactive folks can see some films too! I really wanted to see the movie Objectified and NO ONE could tell me where and when it was playing.
- Wow, what an ugly, ugly badge. I know I wasn't the only one complaining about this, but for a conference that involves so much creativity, you would think they would have tried harder with the badges. I liked the bag I got more than my badge.

Pros Definitely Outweigh the Cons:
- I absolutely LOVED connecting with so many many new people! Twitter friends became in-person friends, strangers became buddies and everyone was just so freakin' cool!
- Info overload, in a good way. You thought the internet was info porn? Welcome to SXSW Interactive.
- Meeting three of my five sponsors! I was able to meet Linda Ziskind of Think Polygon, Betsy Aoki of, and Steve Loflin of National Society of Collegiate Scholars. (I know this could go under meeting cool people, but these folks deserve a special shout out)

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